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Friday 31 August 2012

Job Vacancy For an Executive Director @ Ken Nnamani Centre Of Leadership & Development

The Ken Nnamani Centre for Leadership and Development is to train future African leaders, maximizing the performance of current leaders through capacity-building and public advocacy in order to promote economic prosperity and democratic governance throughout the Continent. Job Tittle: Executive Director
Job Requirement:
applicant should have the passion for promoting genuine and transformational leadership, justice, social and economic development at all levels of the society.
applicant must have a postgraduate degree with a minimum of 10 years post qualification experience.
ability to work with litle or no supervision and to raise funds.
very good communication skills to advocate and interact at the highest level of national and foreign governments the private sector etc.
the remuneration package is competitive, in line with such executive positions.

Deadline: 11th September, 2012
How To Apply
applicant should send their CV, enclosing a “5-page summary/proposal on how you will position KNCLD to address leadership and developmental challenges of Nigeria and Africa, in general” to:
The Chairman, Board of Trustees, KNCLD,

1 Lundi Close, Off Mississippi Street, Maitama,


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